Hire Cinefade VariND in London,Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool, England & Edinburgh,Glasgow, Scotland & Wales and Northern Ireland

The Cinefade VariND is available to rent directly from our base in London and from our local rental partners with same-day courier services.

Hie Cinefade worldwide

In English cities such as London, Birmingham, Manchester and Liverpool there are several large camera rental houses that stock the Cinefade VariND and we would be happy to put you in touch and arrange a system for you.

Cinefade hire kit for England

The Cinefade VariND is a camera accessory that allows cinematographers to vary depth of field in film to achieve a novel storytelling effect.

It also acts as a remotely controlled variable ND filter to allow the AC to quickly and easily adjust ND value without having to change traditional ND filters, saving time on set and giving the DP more flexibility when exposing a scene. Complex interior-to-exterior shots with varying light levels can easily be achieved with dynamic and gradual ND control from the cPRO hand unit.

In RotaPola mode, the Motorised Polariser can be used to control reflections without having to be physically close to the camera, for example when mounting the camera on a Russian Arm for automotive shoots.

In the UK the Cinefade VariND has been used by several DPs and ACs for feature films, TV series and commercials with great results…



DP James Aspinall BSC used Cinefade in Episode 5 of BBC One's Poldark Season 4 for a dream-like flashback scene. 



A staple of English television, the series ‘Casualty’ used Cinefade, shot by DP Tom Hines.


Let us know your project requirements, shooting dates and how you wish to use our Cinefade VariND and we’ll be happy to arrange the rest for you

Contact Oliver at Cinefade - oliver@cinefade.com - +44 (0) 77 8993 0557
