How much light is required for the Cinefade effect?

Due to the nature of the effect, a lot of light is required to be able to transition from a deep depth of field to a shallow depth of field in one shot. The effect lends itself well to daytime exteriors and artificial lighting or a light sensitive camera sensor is required for studio shoots, interior locations and night shots.

The initial light loss of the cmotion Cinefade VariND is 1.5 stops, requiring an exposure compensation when taking a light meter reading. In order to transition from a T11 to a T2, a light meter reading of T16 ½ is necessary to obtain a ‘good’ exposure, which is usually no problem when shooting outdoors but requires artificial lighting or a very light sensitive camera for interior or night shoots. The Panasonic Varicam with a dual base ISO of 5000 or the Sony VENICE with a dual base ISO of 2500 lend themselves well for these type of situations.

Please feel free to contact us for more details or if you have any further questions.

Cinefade example exposure calculation